Interplast Australia and New Zealand
Interplast sends teams of volunteer plastic and reconstructive surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses and allied health professionals to provide free life-changing surgery and medical training to 17 developing countries across the Asia Pacific region.

In these countries a lack of resources combined with limited training of medical personnel means people with repairable conditions are often not treated fast or well enough, or in some cases not at all.

The training of medical personnel in the countries we visit is a major focus of our work. We respond to the needs of each individual country by working closely with our local partner, which includes governments, hospitals and medical staff.

We do what our local partner’s request, however there are far more requests then we are able to meet. We have more volunteers than we can send so our only limitation is our need for more funding. Fundraising is vital in order for us to meet the great demand for our services.
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