Help IJM protect children from child labour in Ghana
$ 5.00

The multi-million-dollar fishing industry in Ghana is propped up by child labour. Boys and girls are trafficked from coastal communities into forced labour slavery. Lake Volta is the epicentre, one of the largest man-made lakes in the world, providing 90% of the national freshwater fish production. Boys and girls are separated from their families and denied an education and basic care. Victims can spend their entire childhood working 18 hours a day in dangerous and harsh conditions, for nothing in return.

Since 2014, IJM has worked in Ghana and rescued over 420 children from the fishing industry – the youngest victim being only four years old. Though these crimes have long gone mostly unpunished, we have a proven
model to strengthen local justice systems, end impunity and create safe communities.

Your gift will go to where it is needed most as part of IJM’s Justice System Strengthening programs around the world.


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AUD $5.00

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