Caring for Our Bays Appeal
$ 8.00
"Our Marine Treasures are Too Precious to Lose"Your donation will help children and adults learn to care about our marine treasures and support research and environmental leadership to protect our bays. You will be supporting a local organisation with over 26 years of proven community service. Working together will achieve more to protect our dolphins and bays. So please, while it's fresh in your mind, make the most generous gift you can to help CARE FOR OUR BAYS….    . Concerns – more than dolphins
  • Pollution causing habitat loss, algal blooms and disease, including skin lesions
  • Impacts of a changing climate and population growth
We Provide Solutions The Dolphin Research Institute works in three ways:
  • Research to understand our dolphins and the threats they face, including a major dolphin health study
  • Marine Education in schools and the community, to build stewardship for our bays
  • Leadership influencing government policy and laws by our research findings and analysis. We are also developing the next generation of environmental leaders.

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