Help a young person get back on track
$ 140.00
Support our award winning Post Release Support Program (PSRP). This 18 week case management program works with teenagers aged 13-18 who are exiting the Juvenile Justice system. It seeks to reintegrate young people into their community and increase their capacity to engage in pro-social behaviour, further training/education, employment and to decrease criminal behaviour.

Your gift of $140 will provide five months of travel for a case manager to visit a young person in the 6 weeks prior to, and in 12 weeks following their release. Research has shown that young people who have accommodation ready, and a clear plan for their future, are far less likely to re-offend.

What your gift supports
The Sir David Martin Foundation funds programs that work with disadvantaged young people, to help them transform their lives. Our programs provide vocational skills and training, combined with support that enables young people to work through concerns such as abuse, addiction and mental illness.

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