Help keep our Platypus full and happy
$ 25.00
The Platypus is a uniquely Australian species but there is concern about their population density. Rivers are drying up, areas are overfished or have had foreign fish introduced which change the ecosystem dynamics, and because of this, Platypus are classified as a vulnerable species. One of the greatest known threats to platypus is a particular style of yabby trap – the “Opera House Traps” – which can easily trap platypus, causing them to suffer and drown.
Taronga is working with the Australian Platypus Conservancy (APC) & The University of New South Wales (UNSW) to raise awareness of the use of these “opera house” yabby traps, as well as researching alternative yabby-trapping methods that will not harm platypus.
Your support will help keep our Platypuses full and happy, and will help fund essential research and conservation initiatives.

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