Save Koalas from tree clearing
$ 15.00
Koalas are in crisis in New South Wales, where the government has further weakened tree-clearing laws, greenlighting the destruction of koala habitat across the state.

Excessive tree-clearing is ramping up and your support is urgently needed to stop koalas from becoming the next casualty in Australia's extinction crisis

Please help us stop this tragedy by making your urgent, tax-deductible gift today.

$15 - could help provide bandages and medicines to treat injured koalas
$25 - could help rehabilitate koalas and get them ready for a return to the wild
$35- could help replant trees to create homes and safe green corridors for threatened koala communities
$45- demand our government stop excessive tree-clearing and protect wildlife for the long-term.

Payment method
(must be case sensitive)

AUD $15.00

Or Donate Amount of Your Choice