Save our Eastern Quolls
$ 50.00
Eastern Quolls have been extinct on the Australian mainland for more than 50 years. Will you help them return to where they belong? 

Quolls are small, spotted and fiercely cute marsupials who were native to southeast Australia. But foxes, disease and habitat destruction wiped them out on our mainland more than 50 years ago. Today, Tasmania is the only place you can still see these beautiful animals in the wild. 


WWF-Australia and our partners have spent the past few years preparing for this translocation project. We’ve been working with a couple of fantastic Tasmanian wildlife sanctuaries to help breed and prepare eastern quolls for this project. But we now need your help. 

$50 - could help buy extra food as captive-born quolls build up the hunting skills they'll need to survive in their new home

$75 - could help fly one young quoll from Tasmania to its new home in Jervis Bay

$100 - could help buy a sensor camera, to monitor how eastern quolls are settling into Booderee National Park in Jervis Bay

$150 - could help buy a GPS collar to track and monitor quolls in their new environment

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