First Aid Training for Young Parents
$ 20.00
Project – First Aid Training
Provide first aid training to young parents who attend YHES House for parenting support. Training includes how to deal with anaphylaxis and asthma attacks.

Key Outcomes
  • Ensure young parents have the skills to provide first aid to their children and others in the community if necessary.
  • Assist young parents to be able to respond effectively if their child develops a food allergy.
  • Assist young parents to be able to apply for jobs that require a first aid certificate e.g. Child Care Assistant.
While teenage pregnancies in Australia are falling (11,420 babies born to teenage mothers in 2012, down from 12,932 in 2008) there is still a lot of work to do. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) 1 in 25 live births in 2009 were to teenage mothers. The rate among teenagers living in the most socio-economically disadvantaged areas was almost 8 times that of teenagers living in the areas of least disadvantage (30 compared with 4 per 1,000). On the Gold Coast, 12% of residents live in areas of high socio-economic disadvantage such as Southport and Labrador, as defined by the Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA).This compares with 7% of Brisbane residents (ABS Census data 2011).
Evidence also shows that teenage pregnancies tend to be among young women who have experienced family conflict, unstable housing and or have a family history of pregnancies at a young age.
Teenage motherhood poses significant long-term risks for both mother and child, including poorer health, educational and economic outcomes. For mothers it can lead to:
  • being unable to complete school which increases the risk of long term unemployment;
  • financial pressures leading to poor housing arrangements and being unable to afford basic necessities;
  • social isolation due to a lack of acceptance and support from family and friends; and
  • maternal mental health issues due to a lack of support and unmet developmental needs.
Located in Southport, one of the most disadvantaged suburbs on the Gold Coast, YHES House is the only local organisation that specialises in parenting support services for young parents. The majority of mothers accessing the program are aged 20 years and under, with some as young as 14.
Without the services offered at YHES House there would be more young pregnant mothers on the Gold Coast risking their health and that of their unborn child, with potentially serious or even fatal consequences.

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